วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Top 10 Travel Tips For Central America

1.    Travel light - Take the minimum you can get away with. Backpacking in this region will involve a lot of getting on and off buses as well as walking long distances whilst carrying luggage.

2.    Take the bus - Buses are by far the cheapest and most efficient way to get around the region. Avoid chicken buses if you are pushed for time as they tend to stop very frequently. The quickest cheapest buses tend to be from one capital city to the next.

3.    Limit your time in expensive places - Costa Rica, Mexico and Belize are relatively expensive in comparison to other countries in the region such as Nicaragua and Guatemala.

4.    Avoid the cities - The highlights of the region tend to be away from the cities. Spend more of your time at the beach, rainforests and ancient ruins as these are far more interesting than the urban areas.

5.    Visit Semuc Champey - This relatively unknown spot is simply unmissable. When you see it you will understand why; you are sure to be entranced by its fairytale-like freshwater pools and waterfalls.

6.    Learn to dive - the Bay Islands of Honduras are a great place to learn SCUBA diving and enjoy the regions coral reefs up close.

7.    Get a guide - If you are planning to see wildlife, take a guided tour of the rainforests. This will help you to see far more than you would alone.

8.    Eat local - Local food is the cheapest and you will soon learn to enjoy Gallo Pinto, the region's favourite dish. This is a combination of beans and rice that is surprisingly tasty and ubiquitous throughout Central America.

9.    Visit some ruins - Central America is home to some of the worlds most fascinating ancient sites. Particularly good are the Mayan ruins of Tikal in Guatemala and Chichen Itza in Mexico. If you have the time you can take a 5 day trek and visit the largest pyramid (by volume) in the world, El Mirador in northern Guatemala. This ancient site is only accessible by mule track or helicopter but is well worth a visit.

10.    Don't forget your travel insurance!

